Certification: WRAS


Water is classified as drinking when it doesn’t contain any microorganism, parasites or other substances, in such a quantity to represent a potential danger to human health. The product materials in contact with drinking water can generate microbial growth and impurities/contaminants. This creates a serious health risk and a threat to the environment. Its organoleptic characteristics must be acceptable to the consumers, including clarity, transparency, the absence of colors and any anomalous odors.

Certification Details

The Water Regulations Advisory Scheme (WRAS) is a conformance mark, that demonstrates if an item complies with standards set out by water regulations in the United Kingdom. It covers all plumbing systems, water fittings and equipment supplied or to be supplied with water from the public water supply. The approval system covers also non-metallic components and materials (such as PTFE washers and gaskets), which undergo testing to ascertain their effect on the water with which they come into contact. It consists of a odour and flavour test (at multiple temperature) and a cytotoxicity test. When granted, WRAS Approval lasts for five years.

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