Certification: KTW W270


Water is classified as drinking when it doesn’t contain any microorganism, parasites or other substances, in such a quantity to represent a potential danger to human health. The product materials in contact with drinking water can generate microbial growth and impurities/contaminants. This creates a serious health risk and a threat to the environment. Its organoleptic characteristics must be acceptable to the consumers, including clarity, transparency, the absence of colors and any anomalous odors.

Certification Details

The KTW & W270 certifications imply that product components in contact with drinking water have been tested and approved by German laboratories (TZW and DVGW) according to the recommendations of the UBA. This approval is one of the most restrictive in terms of lubricantscomposition.
Once granted, KTW and W270 approval lasts for five years.
  • Recipe (chemical formulation) assessment
Recipe means the detailed chemical composition of the material that is used to manufacture the product. It has to be in accordance with the requirements of UBA’s guidelines.
  • Migration test
The migration test will be performed over a time period of 10 days. The test is always performed at 23°C. In addition the temperature ranges of 60°C and 85°C can be included.
  • Microbial growth test (additional test is required to obtain W270)

Certified Materials

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